Three Trees


The quote is an excerpt from the poem ‘Arantzazu’ in the Basque language: a poem of the Basque Christian faith by Salvatore Mitxelena. They relate to the vision of a shepherd in 1468 who saw the Virgin Mary in a thorn bush at Arantzazu, Oñati, in the Basque Country, Spain. Made for an exhibition in the Centro Cultural Gandiaga Topagunea, at Arantzazu, from July to September 2017.

“Euskal-mendi-lerroak mallan-mallan datoz Aizkorri-gallenean alkartzera gogoz. Ala euskal-semeak, zuk paketu ondoz, arantzondo ortaraxe, maitasun eta poz… Zuretzat euskaldunen obari onenak. Zuretzat errezkadan mendirik gorenak, gogokoen dituzun pralleen arrenak, eztarri garbienen doñu gardenenak…”

(translation) “The lines of the Basque mountains come one after the other eager to meet in Aizkorri-gallen. Alas Basque children, you pack well, thorny thorn, love and joy… The best Basque gifts for you. For you, the highest mountains in the stream, the most beautiful songs of your favourites, the most transparent melodies of the purest throats….”

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